Senin, 26 November 2012

Great Lesson

It's been a long time since my last post here.
Day-month-year going so fast, and many things happened in my life. The experience is one of the way that can make people grow maturely, and a mistake is such a perfect lesson to not doing that same mistake for people's future.

Then.....something is still unclear. something is still hidden. but i guess every thing is going better now. i've learned many things which was happen in my life before. sometimes i regret what did i do. but next day i realize that the past can't be changed. however, we still have a time to correct it or just make sure that we won't do that kind of mistake anymore, right? 

So..... i just don't know how to say. but this time i just wanted to say "thank you" to somebody outside there-whoever you are- who have pray the best for me. i don't know who are you, but i wish you all the best too. thanks for your love and your pray for me. i don't know where are you exactly but my heart told me that is you. so...once again, jeongmal gomawoyo:-)

Some thing is better left unspoken. i'm sure that God's plans are more great than i thought. so i will let it be my unpredictable future. you deserve the best for your life and so do i. so let's live this life with a smile and a wink. everything is gonna be okay. 

Selasa, 20 November 2012

An Angel Called Mommy

16 Juni 1998, Tuhan mengutus seorang malaikat datang kepadaku.
On June 16,1998, God sent me to the arms of an angel. 

Malaikat yang lengannya selalu terbuka di saat kuperlukan sebuah pelukan,
An angel whose arms are always open when I need a hug, 

Malaikat yang hatinya selalu mengerti di saat kuperlukan seorang sahabat,
whose heart always understands when I need a friend. 

Malaikat yang matanya tajam di saat kuperlukan sebuah pelajaran,
An angel whose eyes are stern when I need a lesson, 

Malaikat yang keberanian dan kasihnya telah menuntun dan membawaku terbang.
whose strength and love guides me and give me wings that enables me to fly. 

Aku begitu bangga dan beruntung untuk memanggil malaikat itu dengan sebutan: "Mama".
I am most fortunate to call this angel my mother. 

Aku percya bahwa cinta itu buta, sebab Mama mulai menyayangiku jauh sebelum ia bisa melihat wajahku,
I believe that love is blind because my Mom started loving me before seeing my face,

Aku percaya pada cinta pada pandangan pertama, sebab aku mulai menyanyangi Mama sejak hari pertama ku buka mataku!
I believe in love at the first sight because I've been loving my mother since I opened my eyes!

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Today is friggin Monday after the superb long weekend holiday.
Time to go back drowning in tasks and projects until the end of this month.
Reality bites but heck.. I will survive. Eventually!

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Forgive me,GOD

So many heartbreaks.I ask "Why me God?" but the lessons are too valuable I end up saying "thank you for that heartache, God."

I'll be a different person from now on...

Senin, 02 Juli 2012


Let your past make you better... Not bitter ...
Ijinkan masa lalu anda membuat anda menjadi lebih baik,....bukannya menjadi kepahitan....
We can choose to let our pasts limit us... And make us bitter... ... Or we can choose to let our pasts make us better....
Kita bisa memilih untuk membiarkan masa lalu melampaui kita..... dan membuat kita menjadi kepahitan.... atau kita bisa memilih untuk melampaui masa lalu kita sehingga menjadikan kita lebih baik....

We must understand that who we were in the past...
Is nowhere equal to the person that we can be in the future....

Kita mesti menyadari bahwa siapapun kita dulunya di masa lalu adalah gak sebanding dengan siapa kita nantinya di masa depan...

The trials and tribulations that we experienced ...
In our pasts may not be held as a guarantee...
That our future will be full of the same tribulation and pain....

Segala pencobaan dan kesengsaraan yang kita alami di masa lalu tidak boleh menjadi sebuah jaminan bahwa masa depan kita pun akan mengalami penderitaan dan luka yang sama
Not every person will experience the same circumstances...
And yes, some will have it better than others...
But make no mistake... No one's life is perfect... 

Tidak semua orang akan mengalami situasi yang sama,
terkadang ada yang mengalami situasi yang lebih baik dari orang lain,
Tapi gak melakukan kesalahan,.....tidak ada yang sempurna!

And everyone must experience rain to appreciate the sunshine....
Affirm the positivity in your life by believing in the fact...
That good things and a good life will come to you...
If you are willing to put in the effort to make your life more positive...

Dan semua orang harus mengalami datangnya hujan agar bisa menghargai sinar mentari...
Pastikan hanya hal-hal yang positif yang terjadi dengan cara mempercayai sebuah fakta bahwa hal-hal baik dan hidup yang baik akan datang kepada anda bila saja anda mau berjuang untuk mengusahakannya...